Wednesday, May 26, 2010


That question comes up a lot.  Sometimes I’m the one asking it, as in  “Why are you looking for a bike, and what do you want to do with it?”

On other occasions, the question is directed at me, or others I know.  “Why do you ride a bicycle?”  Or,  “Why all this talk about commuting?”

I’m not sure I have the answers.  I have some that work for me.

No, I am not going to list the benefits of commuting or utility cycling.  Most are obvious, and I do a lot of that.  I’m not going to go into the “practical” benefits of cycling as a sport or an exercise either.  There are many, but we are talking about a deeper question here.

If it were only for the health and fitness benefits, a gym would do fine.  For many folks, that is answer enough.  To them there is no “why” to cycling.  They don’t do it, and I guess that’s okay.  But it’s sad.

The real answer to “Why?” is joy.  There is joy in riding a bike.

Oh sure, there is pain too.  Sometimes a lot of pain.  For the athletically inclined, there is a lot of discipline and effort needed.  It takes time.  It takes mastering a bewildering array of equipment.  It takes effort.

For others, the joy seems to be somewhat muted.  It’s a social thing.  It’s about being a part of some clique.  I guess that’s okay.  I don’t see the harm in it.  Just doesn’t appeal to me.

The joy I’m talking about is in the simple pleasure of moving.  The act of getting outside, and experiencing the world.  You can’t really see the sky from a car.  On a bike, it’s always there, and always changing.

There are these transcendent moments in cycling.  Suddenly the cares of the world fall away.  The movement is so perfect, the geometry so right.  The wind sings a different song, the sound of rain falling through the trees whispers and roars.  Even the way the tires connect to the pavement, this becomes something more.

In these moments, the soul expands, the mind-chatter drops to silence, life becomes one timeless eternal now.  For that, and for the glory of a good hard climb, well executed, followed by a long smooth, perfectly ridden, effortless descent, bending into a clean, flawless turn; for the sight of a hawk on wing, pacing and making eye contact; for the turtles and field mice; for the sheer joy of being and moving while perfectly still; for seeing young foxes playing; for being paced by coyotes in the night hours; for sunrises seen from the saddle; for a friendly wave and word from a neighbor while on the way to work; for time alone, to think; for time riding with close friends; for the friends we meet along the way; for all this…  Because!

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