Monday, March 22, 2010

Ride Report & Contest Info

Yesterday’s 45 mile Audax Tune Up Ride was…  In a word…  WET!!  At least it wasn’t cold.  It’s amazing what good technical rain gear can do for you.  I must report, I was comfortable throughout the afternoon.

We started off in a very light drizzle.  There was some discussion about whether to go to the hassle of pulling on rain gear or not.  About ten miles into the ride the decision was obvious.  The heavens opened, and we stopped and floundered into rain pants and such, on the side of the road.  The nice lady who stopped to offer assistance (un-needed) almost made up for the two hooligans who had seen fit to throw garbage at us earlier.

As for the punks, they were well dressed, and driving a brand new, black, Ford F150.  I wonder if Daddy knows how the boys are behaving.  Unfortunately, we were not able to get a license number.

No damage was done by the delinquents, and the ride was actually a pleasant trip through a rainy afternoon.  You all should have been there.

The Great and Weird Road Dragon Bike Contest

GUESS WHAT?  Question #16, which appeared in last Friday’s post, was… (drum roll please)  the last question!!

That’s right.  You may now start submitting your answers to the contest email address  I suggest you review the contest requirements & rules before doing so.

Here, in case you've missed it, are the entry rules:

Remember, you have a really good chance of winning, but not until I get enough entrants to keep me happy.  So do tell your friends, and get them involved.  And do keep watching this space for more updates and information.

While on the subject, it’s time for a little audience participation.  I’m having a bit of a mental pause about just how to “curate” the Lady Grand Prize.  The pause in question concerns the handle bar treatment.  Here’s the deal.  This is going to be a single brake bike.  (Front only.)  For the bars, I could go with any of the following:

Flat bar

“Traditional” road bar

Cruiser bar

Pursuit (flop-and-chop)

So you tell me.  What do you think the Lady should wear?  Please answer by leaving a comment.

Disclaimer:  The above pictures are examples only.  They are shown to illustrate types.  The actual bars I have in mind, while similar, and not exactly like the ones pictured.


  1. It was a bit drier at the Tour de Pike...

  2. I'd have to say pursuit. I'm guessing this Lady needs something distinctive.

  3. I like the pursuit, and I'm a lady who needs something distinctive!
