Monday, May 20, 2013

Ride Report: Ride of Silence ~ the view from the back

Last Wednesday was the annual Ride of Silence.  This is a memorial ride to commemorate cyclists who have been injured or killed in traffic.

We had a large turnout.  Good weather helps with that, and the weather last Wednesday was excellent.  There were 70+ riders (and one shop dog in a trailer) along.  It’s an impressive sight.  That many riders, when proceeding in single file stretch out over a quarter mile of road.

We followed our usual procedures.  That means that Southside Cycling Club President, Dan Christensen led the ride.  Dan follows our usual route, and keeps the speed down.  It’s difficult to hold a group that size together.

I take the “drag postion,” riding at the very back.  My goals in holding this post are twofold.  My first goal is to provide blocking and safety for the riders ahead.  My other function is to render aid to any rider who needs mechanical assistance.

As it should have been, the ride was one of silence and simple intention.  To see over 70 cyclists on the road at once is really impressive.  When this large a group proceeds slowly, with intent to keep the group intact, it’s even more attention grabbing.  Yes we encountered a few motorists who were displeased with us.  On the other hand, we saw drivers who “got it.”  For example, as we were moving down the Peachtree Parkway, there were two drivers who pulled up abreast of each other, and behind us.  They then stayed there and “blocked” for us.  I can’t imagine that they knew why we were there, but they sensed that this was something to be respected.

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