Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday Thoughts ~~ Traffic Tickets

Hallo.  This is Johan.  Road Dragon is out putting paint on the roads for people who can not read simple directions.  This is nice of him.  He is leaving this post for me to write, today.

You are noticing, maybe that economy is very hard in this time?  I am not happy about this.  You are not happy about this.  But other people are very much not happy about this.  I speak of the people in the governments.  Not the big government in your Washington District of Columbia.  I am meaning the people in the governments of the cities and the states.  These people are not wanting to stop spending the money.  But they are needing to find the money to spend.  What are they to do?

Some of these people in the small governments are very clever.  They look around and ask themselves what they can do to get more money.  Soon, some of these people notice that there are these police standing around.  “Ah ha!” they say.  “The police can make us a lot of money.”  How can they do this?  It is very simple.  They do it by arresting people and giving them tickets.  Lots and lots of tickets.

I am thinking this is a good thing.  Maybe it makes some crazy drivers not be so crazy.  Go too fast, and get a big ticket.  It is also a good thing for the bicycle riders.  Go through stop sign?  Get a big ticket.  Maybe soon everybody does what they should do.

I am telling you this.  You have been warned now.  Do right, and you don’t pay out lots of money for tickets.  No more stupids running through stop signs.  I think this could happen.  It would be nice.

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