Tuesday, August 3, 2010

MidSummer’s Eve Night Ride Report:

It is the middle of the Summer, and how better to celebrate than a night ride?  Yes we went out and rode into the night last night, and yes it was a complete blast.  There were fourteen of us.  That is a large enough group to command attention.  A group that large makes an amazing visual impression.  Lights and reflectives, alternate between clusters and long serpentine lines.  Seeing the crowd pull into the store at our midpoint stop was worth the whole ride.  And that was far from the only highpoint.

The Cast:  The crew consisted of (in no particular order) where Curly, Candy, Theresa, Ana, Bob, Judy, Amanda, Chris, Van, Cindy, Lisa, Dan, Amy, and me.

The Weather:  We had excellent weather.  Yes it was a tiny bit on the warm side at the beginning of our trip, but with nightfall, there was enough cooling to make it simply pleasant to ride.  It was a gentle night, overcast, and with mostly calm winds.  In short, excellent cycling conditions.

The Route:  We rolled out of Peachtree City, and braved the “redneck runway” up Rockaway Road, into Senoia.  We encountered a bit of traffic along that part of the route, but that faded quickly as we crossed GA-16, onto Luther Bailey Road.  Then, once we passed the turnoff for Dolly Nixon, the traffic just magically vanished.  Yes there was the odd car from time to time, but only that.  Mostly we had the quiet roads to ourselves.  Nice!

We continued south along Luther Bailey, and enjoyed the flat along Old Ga-85, and then on the southern portion of Dolly Nixon.   A short stretch on GA-85 took us to the turn for Line Creek Road.  I enjoy the stretch of Line Creek from the highway to Hollonville Road under any conditions, at night, with no traffic, and a good group of happy riders, this becomes a complete party.

We took a very short mid-route stop at the store in Digby.  Bottles refilled and a few “nature breaks” complete, we remounted and again rode into the night.  The return leg took us back into Brooks, and more familiar roads between there and Peachtree City.

Will we do it again?  From all that I could tell, a good time was had by all.  Several folks asked the question about future editions of this type.  My answer is an emphatic yes!  The plan now is to continue to hold these on the year’s cardinal and semi-cardinal dates.  The route will be different every time, but the format will be the same.  Watch this space for details.

Oh yes, I promise we will not ride Rockaway Road the next time.  The screaming and wailing is just more than I can stand.  (Grins all around.)

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