Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ride Report (And a hint about the next one):

Last night was the Fall Equinox Celebration Ride.  And a most excellent ride it was!

To begin with, the weather was wonderfully cooperative.  It was a mild evening, and it cooled quickly and delightfully as the sun left the sky.  Sunset occurred as we left town, and we were pretty much in full darkness shortly after 8:00 P.M.  It never got cold, but it was pleasantly cool throughout the evening.

The moon was nearly full, and had ascended into the sky before we departed.  It lit the night wonderfully, often hanging right over the roads we traveled.

Traffic was light, especially was we moved farther away from town, and it pretty much stayed that way.  Sure we had a bit of traffic as we returned, most notably as we rode northward on GA-74, but even that was quite light.

The Route:  We left “The Fred” on time, and rode south out of town.  We started the ride by following the Novice Loop, backwards, but that changed fairly quickly.  After about five miles we turned off and rode toward (and through) Woolsey.  From there on, it was mostly Terra Incognita.

Initially, we traveled more east than south.  We rode past Woolsey, and out between Hampton, and Griffin.  By the time the route turned we were actually on the outskirts of Griffin.  We skirted Birdie (which is more a state of mind than a place) and slipped back to GA-92.  After a brief stretch of 92, we again found our way onto more rural road, and slipped through Vaughn, before turing toward Brooks.  A quick trip through Brooks (all trips through Brooks are quick), set us well on our way home.  Finally, we came up GA-74, and then turned onto Redwine, and finished with a trip up the Peachtree Parkway, from the south.

This blog is beginning to attract wider attention.  For that reason, we are no longer posting names of event attendees.  That said, we had XX happy and cheerful riders along.  A good group, and a lot of fun.

Stats:  By the GPS, we covered 42.9 miles, in 3:02:00.  This is pretty respectable for night riding.  The pace was brisk, but the crew seemed to be enjoying it.

The quote of the night:  "This night stuff is cool!  You can't see the hills, so you don't feel them as much."

We can hardly wait for the Mid-Fall Celebration Night Ride, next month!

The Big Hint:  The Mid-Fall Celebration Night Ride will have a different start/finish location.  We’re going to do a remote start, a bit to the south.  Details will be forthcoming soon, but for now, know that you will have to drive about 30 minutes from Peachtree City to get to the start point.  As for the rest of the big hint, there will be bridges involved.


  1. Most excellent ride Sir; looking forward to the next one!

  2. Hopefully we'll see some entertaining Halloween displays like on last year's route!
