Monday, March 12, 2012

Ride Report: Audax 45 Mile Tune Ups

Challenging Ride

I’ll sum yesterday’s ride up with that word.  It was one full of challenges.  Each and every one of our group of ten met one or more challenges.

There was the stalwart on the single speed.

Two members had never been on one of these rides before.

One lady had never gone that far before.

One of our group was doing her first group ride in clipless pedals.  I might add, she just had them installed late in last week.

The course is hilly and challenging in its own right.

The day started out cool, but then the sun came out, and…  Well, it got windy!

It’s always a challenge to blend a group of individuals into a coordinated team.

A couple of us were so new to things that lifting a bottle and drinking while on the bike was a challenge.

For some reason we encountered far more motoring aggression and rudeness than is the norm.  More, there was just a lot more traffic than is normal.

Some struggle with the hills.

Some have challenges with riding close in a group.

One would think, with all those challenges and obstacles to face, this ride would have been a grinding slog.  Yessir!  It was one tough ride.  I guess that’s why there were so many smiles, and so much laughter.

SB 468:  Update
The Georgia State Senate Bill 468, sometimes known at the “Bicycle Single File” bill, did not pass the Senate in the 2011-12 session of the state legislature.  Action on the bill ceased after the Second Reading.  Because the bill did not pass the Senate before “crossover day,” it is finished for this session.  We will have to keep watch for this in the next legislative session, but for now, we can breath a bit easier.  Thank you to all who worked to stop this bill.

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