Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Pollen Count on Tuesday = 9,369.  That’s 9,360 parts per cubic meter.

1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters.

Average pollen granule = 50 micrograms mass.

5 X 9,369 = 468,450 micrograms, or 0.468450 grams.

Average volume intake per breath = 3 liters.

Working cyclist in mid-aerobic zones respiration rate is 720 per hour.

720 X 3 = 2,160 liters, or 2.160 cubic meters.

Therefore, a working cyclist inhales about 2 grams of pollen per hour.  About a half teaspoon full.

In a four hour ride that would be about 8 grams, or 4 teaspoons of “medicine.”

There.  Don’t you feel better already?

Of course it begs the question:  Our human reproductive activity doesn’t threaten to strangle the trees, flowers, and grass.  How come theirs is so bloody hard on us?

On the other hand, flowers make pollen, and eventually, pollen is responsible for making more flowers.  Flowers bring birds that sing wonderfully.  They bloom brightly and smell sweetly.  The trees shade us, and the grasses help hold and nurture the watersheds.  Besides, all this rampant vegetative reproductive activity gives us something else to talk about while we’re riding.  It’s nice out.


  1. Flowers = bee attraction = pollination = fruit & vegetable production = human & animal sustenance = survival to ride !

  2. And all is well in this, the best of all possible worlds. So mote it be!
