Monday, June 20, 2011

Rumors of my demise are exaggerated

Before going any farther, it is imperative to state this, and state it most positively.

The Solstice Celebration Night Ride WILL go as scheduled tonight!!!  I will be there and will lead it.

I know there has been some concern expressed in several quarters about that.  Fear not.  All is well.  Good.  That’s done.  Now on to some explanations. 

Last week, I took a fall and cracked a rib.  That happened on the Tuesday Night Novice Mountain Bike Ride.  By Thursday evening, I was feeling sore, stiff, beat up, and generally not up to par.  I mounted my bike and started to ride to the Novice Road Ride.  Along the way I was noticing that I felt even worse.  I should emphasize, I was not in terrible shape.  I just felt crappy.  The legs were not there, the breathing was labored, and I felt far below optimal condition.  So I decided to take some of my own advice, and take a pass on the ride.  I called the shop and spoke with Ty, asking him to inform riders that I would not be present.  I was not deathly ill, nor in danger of expiration, but had simply decided (wisely I think) to take some of my own advice.

What happened:  I know that three or four of the members of my vast audience of six or seven will be most interested in.

At our Novice Mountain Bike Ride we start with a lap or two around the outer loop.  This part of the trail is really mostly very gentle.  The group present were doing well.  I was the lead rider.  I let my enthusiasm carry me away a bit.  I got well ahead of the group.  I was riding solo, and moving right along. 

There is a small section of the trail that transits a mud bog.  (Currently the “mud” is dry.)  Several things happen at once in this section.  The trail “bottoms.”  That is it goes from a gentle descent into an equally gentle ascent.  At the same time it turns sharply left, and then through a tree gate, sharply right.  That was where it happened.

I got crossed up in the gate, dropped my front wheel into a “wheel eater” rut, one that was exactly sized to stop my front wheel.  I pitched off of the bike to my left.  I was moving at a pretty good rate, but not tremendously fast.  The result was that a rather large tree whacked me in the ribs.  It hurt.  I shook myself off and continued the ride.

Other circumstances:  I have been working pretty hard lately.  It’s been very busy in the bike shop.  (We’re very glad of that!)  I’ve been engaged in a lot of fairly heavy home repair.  I’ve been doing a couple of other very physically demanding projects.  As you all know, it’s also been pretty hot out too.

Now I like hot weather.  But like it or not, heat does stress the body.  Take all of that together, and by Thursday evening, I was simply not fit to ride.  I’ve been taking it easy and resting a lot since then.  Thank you all for your concern.

I will be in good shape to lead the ride tonight.  The weather forecast is good.  Let’s go out and have some fun with it!

NOTE:  In case you’ve been under a rock, ride details are included below.

SEASONAL NIGHT RIDES:  We’ll be meeting at different venues, and doing different routes for each of these.  The object is a group ride, but one that stays together.  We’ll be starting out in daylight, but the sun will go down while we’re out, so good night gear will be required.  Required equipment will include, good strong lights, capable of running for at least three hours; a strong tail light; reflective sash or vest; reflective ankle bands; helmets.  Expect to cover approximately 45 miles, in about 3 hours.
Solstice Celebration Night Ride
When:  Monday 20 June, 7:30 P.M.
Where:  Fredrick Brown Amphitheater parking lot
Date:  Monday 20 June
Time:  7:30 PM (sharp)
Distance/Pace: approx 45 miles, about 3 hours
Requirements/Conditions: Group will stay together.  Headlights, taillights,
reflective sash or vest, reflective ankle bands, Helmets.  Dress for the weather.
Ride goes Rain or Shine.

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