Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A moment of silence please…

No, nobody died, and nothing bad happened.  (At least nothing capital “B” bad.)  We just need a breather.

(By the bye, this has absolutely nothing to do with any of those weather forecasting rats.)

I’m not sure why it is that February is so stinkin’ tough.  Feels like there’s a bit of a gravity storm going on.  Don’t you notice it?  Seems to go with this time of year.  We get a wave of increased gravity.  Everything is heavier, the wind is always against us, and no matter what one is doing, it seems to require more effort and more preparation.

To top that, our poor yankee brethren are getting pounded again.  And my camera stopped working.

That last is the real reason for this particular post.  I’ve been working on a how too regarding “re-stringing” your bike.  The next installment requires some illustration.  The camera she is dead.

So a moment of silence for the camera.

There!  I feel better now.  I’ll get another camera today, and the series on bicycle maintenance will continue next week.  No doubt, I will have to do three other things first, and each of them will require some unforeseen additional effort.  It’s mid-Winter.  One has to expect this.

Two last notes:

One)  I’m taking up a collection.  We need to purchase some fire ants and send them up north.  If those yankees are going to persist in sending their Winters down here, I think we should return the favor in some kind.

Two)  Dawn Patrol is this coming Sunday.   We’ll be leaving from the Fayetteville IHOP, at 04:00.  Oddly, this is fun!  Come dressed for the weather, with good strong lights and reflective gear, and helmets.  Group will stay together.  Expect to be out for about four hours.  Coffee somewhere around dawn.  Post ride breakfast is entirely optional.

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