Wednesday, October 27, 2010

TimeCrunch & Time Out

It’s been just a wee tad busy out for a while now.  I am facing a period where there is just way too much week in the week.  Something has to give.

In this case, the “something” is this blog.  Please do not be alarmed, gentle reader.  We are not going away.  But this will be a very abbreviated post.

I’m sure you all encounter this from time to time.  There are some things in life too which we simply must attended.  Take this morning for instance.  I was giving serious consideration to spending another hour in bed, sleeping.  That was when my bicycle came into my room, and shook me.  (Rather rudely, I might add.)  The bike was adamant.  It was time to get up, and go out, and ride.  The bike was not interested in the recent late nights, or my other pleadings.  “Time to ride!”  it said.  Implacable.

For a lot of reasons, I will not be riding on Friday, and likely not on Saturday.  After that, I just may make a few posts.

What I’m leading up to here, is that it’s time for a vacation.  As of 8:00 P.M. this day, I am going off duty.  Normal posting will resume on 8 November.  In the meantime, I may slip a post in, but only if the spirit moves me.

Enjoy yourselves and do be safe during the coming week.

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