Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday Thoughts ~~ Presumptuous Assumptions

There’s something I have to get off of my chest.  So I’m engaging the Rant Mode.  Feel free to skip this post if that kind of thing bothers you.

Entering Rant mode…  NOW.  {*}{*}{*}

Before I go any farther, I must state this.  I’m not picking on any one person, and this is not aimed at any individual.  That said, some of you might have been guilty of this from time to time.

Let me paint a picture.

The shop is closed.  It’s almost ride time.  There are a group of riders gathered in front of the shop.  I’m among them.  We are waiting for the tick of the clock, for the official start time.  And someone comes up to me.  They want advice, or they want me to open the shop, or to “just look at this old bike I have.”  Basically they want me to go to work.  More, they want it outside of my working hours.  More, they want it for free!

I know others who encounter this kind of thing.  Doctors.  Lawyers.  Plumbers.  It happens.  I really feel for them.  I’m especially careful not to do this kind of thing to acquaintances and friends in other professions.

I work in a bike shop.  I do so because I like working, and I like working on bicycles and with bike people.  But the central reason that I work in a bicycle shop is that I ride.  Anything that interferes with that, with the riding, is going to be resented.

I might add, when this kind of thing happens, it’s apparent that the individual in question is not working.  I often wonder what would happen if I asked the intruder to do some free work, in their field, right then and there.  I’m certain such a request/demand would be resented.

Sometimes cyclists are just as guilty, or even more so.  I know that, in the heat of the moment, it seems like the most important thing in your world.  You simply have to get that flat fixed, or that balky shifter attended to.  But the shop is closed, and I’m on my own time.  Don’t even think about asking!  (The one question that might be appropriate, is,  “What are the shop hours and when are you going to be in there?”  Do not start to describe your problem!  Save that for working hours.  Do not presume to think that your failure to plan for your upcoming event constitutes a special case, and requires my immediate attention.

Listen folks.  I love you.  I want you to ride your bikes and get healthy, and strong, and happy.  However,  that desire does not mean I am willing to give up my ride time, and the time of others, to attend to your particular problem.
Respect.  There is a huge lack of respect involved in the act of approaching someone and expecting them to drop what they are doing, in their hard earned leisure time, and jump to a task.  This says that the individual in question feels they have some reason to expect to be treated as a special case.  The usual rules do not apply to them.  They obviously feel that they are somehow entitled to something outside the norm.  The demeanor of this kind of individual clearly states,  “I do not respect you, but I am entitled to a greater amount of respect from you.”  The last time I checked, we don’t have any royalty in this republic.

When it comes right down to it, there’s a whole lot of disrespect going on in our society right about now.  Cyclists show a lack of courtesy and respect when they blast through intersections, disregarding traffic laws.  Motorists fail to respect cyclist’s space on the road.  Politicians… Well, I won’t even go there.

People, let’s all show a little respect, courtesy, and a bit of consideration for our neighbors.  Okay?

Done.  {*}{*}{*} Rant Drive Off.  There!  I feel much better now.

Have a great day, everyone.

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