Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday Thoughts ~~ Where are all the contestants?

I must confess, I’m more than a little surprised, and bewildered.  I expected the lure of free bicycles would be a pretty good draw.  I’ve had a few contest entries.  Not a lot.  I’m puzzled.  I’m trying to give away three bicycles and some other stuff.  Free.

It’s been suggested that I made the contest too hard.  How can that be?  The entry requirements are, I admit, a bit daunting. 

First, you must be on my email distribution list for the Tuesday Tome.  I know this is incredibly hard.   After all it would require that you send an email to and say something like,  “Hey Steve, could you add me to the Tuesday Tome list?”  Of course that would mean you might end up in contact with other cyclists, and it’s possible that you might learn something, or be entertained.  Naturally, I do not share, sell, or otherwise distribute the list, and I vow to remove anyone who asks me to, but still this is a somewhat intimidating requirement.

Second, you must join the South Side Cycling Club.  Wow!  That’s hard!  It takes going to the club’s website at and signing up.  Yes, you will have to fork over a whole $25.00 for a year’s membership for your family.  Life is tough.  Deal with it.

Third, you have to be logging miles on the South Side Cycling Club’s website.  Gosh!  That’s hard!  Ride your bike, and then enter the results in the webform under “Mileage Tracker.”  I know!  It’s an extremely challenging technical problem.  Like it is beyond the capability of most four year olds, but easily mastered by children of five.

Fourth, you go to this blog and jump to the post for March 2, 2010.  That’s where things start.  (How hard is this?)

Fifth, find the 16 questions on the blog.  They aren’t that hard to find.  Pretty much there is one on each post after the March 2 post.  (And hey!  You might find the posts enjoyable, useful, and possibly entertaining.)

Sixth, concoct an answer for each of the questions.

Seventh, submit an email, as instructed on the March 2 post, to

I know I’ve had some concerns about the questions.  I’ve heard things like, “What if I get them wrong?”  And “How do I know the answers?”  Come on!  This is not a calculus final!  Have some fun with it, and do something.  In the worst possible case, you will have filled some idle time.  If you don’t enter, there is no possible way you can win!

Just a thought!

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