Thursday, August 7, 2008


Yes we are going to do the 45 mile route on this coming weekend’s Audax Tune Up Ride. The ride will start at 1:00 PM. I mention this because it will be quite warm. It’s August, and here in north Georgia, that means hot. The current prediction for Sunday is a high of 89, and sunny. So a few words on hot weather riding technique are appropriate.

What to bring:
Select your riding clothing with a bit of care. Light colors are the order of the day. This would not be the ride to show off that stylish black jersey. Dark colors absorb heat. You want to reflect it.

Bring water. Lots of water. Expect to use more than a bottle every hour. You will need to drink frequently and deeply, and you will want to douse yourself as well to stay cool. Two large bottles would be the minimum, three would be better if you can manage it.

Bring sunscreen. Bring a bandana. A nice wet bandana applied to the face helps. More, a damp bandana draped around the neck has a wonderful cooling effect.

How to ride:
Plan to stay well inside your limits. Thermal stress is real. When the body is laboring to lose heat, it’s the same as if you were working extra hard. Expect this. Plan to ride a bit more conservatively than usual. We’ll adjust pace as necessary. There is no need to overheat and risk a heat related injury.

And for pity’s sakes, if you are beginning to feel distressed, tell someone. Don’t suffer in silence. True, nobody likes whining, but if you are laboring and struggling, you will slow everyone down anyway. Nothing we are doing is worth risking anyone’s health.

In summary, let’s plan to have a pleasant ride, but a conservative one. One for all, and all for a bit of sanity.

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