Monday, March 29, 2021

Training Plans:

Below is the long promise "get ready to get in shape for riding and break out of Winter" core training program

Got your notebook ready?



Some dumbells would be helpful.  I suggest a pair each of 5, 10, and 15 pounds. Likely a lot of you already have them.  If not, they are not expensive.


Week 1 & 2

Workout 1:

Pick three days and times.  They should not be back-to-back, but rather have at least a day separating them.  (Hint, we like first thing in the morning, or just before lunch, but do what works for you.


1.    Focus on deep slow breaths throughout

2.    10 push ups. (If you can’t do ten, start with 5)

3.    Do a one minute plank after the last pushup

4.    10 crunches

5.    10 leg lifts (on your back, keep legs straight and raise them from the floor to about 8 inches.  Do it slowly)

6.    Magic chair (wall sits) for one minute  (place your back against the wall, and lower yourself until you are in the same position as an easy chair.  Then hold that position)

7.    10 lunges (One for each leg equals one rep)

8.    Optional Bonus:  Take a five minute brisk walk on any or all days.


Week 3 & 4

The first two weeks you did the workout three times in the week.  For the next two weeks you do the workout four time in the week.  Make the extra workout happen on the same day as one of the other three.  In other words do one “two a day.”  So if you are doing them in the morning, on one day only add another set in the afternoon or evening.  If you just can’t do that, then slide the fourth session in on a day between two others.


Workout 2:

Weeks 3 and four just build on the first two weeks, as follows


1.    Focus on deep slow breaths throughout

2.    Increase the pushup count by 20% over last week.

3.    Do a 90 second plank after the last pushup

4.    12 crunches

5.    12 leg lifts (on your back, keep legs straight and raise them from the floor to about 8 inches.  Do it slowly)

6.    Magic chair (wall sits) for 90 seconds  (place your back against the wall, and lower yourself until you are in the same position as an easy chair.  Then hold that position)

7.    12 lunges (One for each leg equals one rep)

8.    Optional Bonus:  Take a 6 to 7 minute brisk walk on any or all days.


Week 5 & 6

Up the game a bit.  Do three each “two a days”. That is, do the same workout in the morning and evening, on three of your workout days.  Preferably the “two a days” should not fall on back-to-back days.

1.    Focus on deep slow breaths throughout

2.    Increase the pushup count by 20% over last week.

3.    Do a 2 minute  plank after the last pushup

4.    15 crunches

5.    15 leg lifts (on your back, keep legs straight and raise them from the floor to about 8 inches.  Do it slowly)

6.    Magic chair (wall sits) for 2 minutes  (place your back against the wall, and lower yourself until you are in the same position as an easy chair.  Then hold that position)

7.    15 lunges (One for each leg equals one rep) Bonus:  carry a pair of ten ound dumbells while doing the lunges.

8.    Optional Bonus:  Take a 10 minute brisk walk on any or all days.  You may substitute a 10 to fifteen minute brisk ride, weather permitting.


Week 7 & 8

By now you should be doing the exercise set five mornings a week, and three evenings a week.  Keep that schedule.  The next set (below) ups the game a bit more.  

1.    Focus on deep slow breaths throughout

2.    You should be up to around 15 to 20 pushups per session.  Now let’s stretch it a bit and do 20 to 25.

3.    Do a 3 minute  plank after the last pushup

4.    20 crunches

5.    20 leg lifts (on your back, keep legs straight and raise them from the floor to about 8 inches.  Do it slowly)

6.    Magic chair (wall sits) for 4 minutes  (place your back against the wall, and lower yourself until you are in the same position as an easy chair.  Then hold that position)

7.    20 lunges (One for each leg equals one rep) Bonus:  carry a pair of ten pound dumbells while doing the lunges.

8.    Optional Bonus:  Take a 10 minute brisk walk on any or all days.  You may substitute a 10 to fifteen minute brisk ride, weather permitting.

Week 9 & 10

We change the weekly schedule a bit for this set.  There are options.

Ideal:  Do the following workout twice per day, but only on three days of the week.

Or:  Maybe schedule doesn’t allow “two a days” three times a week.  If so, do the set on any three mornings of the week, and on any three evenings.




1.    Focus on deep slow breaths throughout

2.    You should be up to around 20 to 25 pushups per session. 

3.    Do a 4 minute  plank after the last pushup

4.    25 crunches

5.    25 leg lifts (on your back, keep legs straight and raise them from the floor to about 8 inches.  Do it slowly)

6.    Magic chair (wall sits) for 5 minutes  (place your back against the wall, and lower yourself until you are in the same position as an easy chair.  Then hold that position)

7.    5 to 10 Double Pump Burpees.  Just a variation on the standard burpee, as follows.  Drop into your crouch.  Do the fast extension into plank position.  Snap recovery to crouch.  But do not do the burst upright yet.  Repeat the snap extension into the plan.  Recover to crouch.  Burst to the upright jump.

8.    25 lunges (One for each leg equals one rep) Bonus:  carry a pair of ten pound dumbells while doing the lunges.

9.    Leaning leg extensions:  Drop into you plank position.  Hold that position and raise one leg off of the floor, keeping the knee straight.  Hold for a five count.  Recover and then repeat with the other leg.  Do this five times.

10. Optional Bonus:  Take a 10 minute brisk walk on any or all days.  You may substitute a 10 to fifteen minute brisk ride, weather permitting.

And there you have it.  Have fun.  Get fitter.  Bet a stronger core, and go RIDE!

Friday, January 15, 2021

 Well now!  It's been a long time since we have been here.  Almost a year and a half.  There are a few cobwebs and a lot of dust around the place.  We'll get those cleaned up.  Seems we've come to a time when this blog might just be needed again.

Welcome Back!

Do stay tuned.  There's some good stuff coming.